Community Projects

In 1967 it was decided to hold a fund-raising golf day at Huddle Park and Nomads were promised a substantial sponsorship (in those days) of R15,000.00 by an international publishing house. At the last minute the sponsorship was withdrawn and, on hearing the news, Andrew Mentis stepped in and underwrote the sponsorship. Ever since then the vehicle used to raise the money is officially called the Nomads National Andrew Mentis Endowment Fund.
Each year the Vice Captain of each province is tasked with the responsibility of raising the funds and overseeing the projects selected. There are certain guidelines set out by our National Executive pertaining to the charities we are able to assist, first and foremost, they need to be a registered charity a NPO number, secondly the project should leave a legacy with long lasting benefits and thirdly the project in its entirety must be administered and overseen by Nomads. Under no circumstances will cash be paid to any charity.

YearBeneficiariesValueAccumulated Value
1997 Cancer Association 30 000 R30 000
1998 SPCA/Child Welfare/Reach for a Dream 55 000 R85 000
1999 SANTA/SPCA/Scout Movement 58 260 R143 260
2000 Masoyi Special School 63 982 R207 242
2001 Herfsakker Ouetehuis 36 458 R243 700
2002 Dasha School/Oranie Zieght Home 39 947 R283 647
2003 Belfast Children’s Home/Herfsakker 50 000 R333 647
2004 SPCA/White River Hospice 50 000 R383 647
2005 Mpumalanga Frail Care/SPCA 37 600 R421 247
2006 Hospice/Child Welfare 65 500 R486 747
2007 Millennium Home of Hope/IDIOS 72 720 R559 467
2008 Mpumalanga Frail Care 55 000 R614 467
2009 Dasha School 113 103 R727 570
2010 Flamboyant School/Hospice 105 000 R832 570
2011 WR Care Buddies/Rustig Ouetehuis 122 090 R954 660
2012 Masoyi Special School/SPCA 129 710 R1 084 370
2013 Alzheimer’s Mpumalanga 170 988 R1 255 358
2014 Imagine Scholar/Kamagugu Inclusive School 230 000 R1 485 358
2015 Nelspruit Hospice/SPCA White River/Mpumalanga Frail Care Centre 260 000 R1 745 358
2016 St John’s Care Centre/Amazing Crace Childrens Home/Child Welfare 262 000 R2 007 358
2017 Rustig Ouetehuis/Thebalethu/Belfast Childrens Home 253 000 R2 260 358
2018 Pro-Gratia School/Nelspruit Care Buddies/Nelspruit SPCA 315 000 R2 575 358
2019 Tamar Restoration Centre/WR SPCA/Flamboyant School/Alzheimer's Care 360 000 R2 935 358